Find your perfect job

Ever wonder… if I weren’t a _______, what would I want to do? Well here’s some research showing which jobs are most closely related to one another based on the personality profiles of people in those professions. Lots of great takeaways here:
- 😆 Financial planners and car dealers have the same personalities (gold, lower left), as do recruiting managers and advertising execs (green, bottom), and paramedics and vice principals (orange, middle)
- 😂 Politicians (red, bottom left) and software engineers (green, top) are literally on opposite sides of this personality traits and values map
- 🤣 CEO’s personalities (grey, bottom middle) sit right in between social media specialists and coroners
- ➡️ For a higher res image, click here, or check out the interactive visualization here
So all of it sounds about right… but where do you all think VCs would go? Maybe somewhere by the talent agents and boxing promoters?