What's Happening in VR?

Videoconferencing software is blowing up while people are stuck at home (Zoom grew from 10M to 200M DAUs in three months, and Teams grew from 32M to 44M DAUs in a week), and it looks like people are going into VR to escape quarantine, too.
The number of people in VR hit all-time highs over the last few weeks. Normally, there is a big spike every year in December, and this year that spike brought us to 10-20K daily VR users on Steam. Then on March 23rd, Valve released Half-Life: Alyx, and daily VR users tripled to 55K+.
These numbers are still relatively small, but there is definitely steady growth in the number of VR users every year. It’ll be interesting to watch if COVID-19 accelerates VR adoption and whether VR users spend more time in single player games or social experiences.