April 2020 PNW Venture Deals
Here are the PNW startups that announced new fundraising rounds in the month of April. Despite the COVID slowdown, these 28 companies raised $220M+ last month!
Read more...Here are the PNW startups that announced new fundraising rounds in the month of April. Despite the COVID slowdown, these 28 companies raised $220M+ last month!
Read more...Microsoft: “As COVID-19 impacts every aspect of our work and life, we’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months“
Read more...The owner of Some Random Bar posted a very sobering video breaking down his restaurant’s economics during the quarantine and its prospects going forward. Some key stats:
Read more...Coming out of the last crisis, tech companies have done incredibly well, and COVID is driving every organization (and consumer) to adopt new technologies faster than they would have otherwise. So who is best positioned to win?
Read more...In Expedia’s announcement about their $3.2B in new funding and new CEO, Barry Diller said, “We are unable to make any predictions as to when travel will rebound but we emphatically believe that it will.”
Read more...Last week at the SaaStr conference, ProfitWell shared data on how 10K+ SaaS companies are being impacted by COVID-19. Some of the takeaways:
Read more...A couple weeks ago, the Department of Defense released a 317 page report on the $10B JEDI contract. While the report was meant to investigate misconduct, it’s also a great look at how the digital transformation and procurement pro
Read more...Fortune wrote a fantastic article last week on how Seattle came together so quickly to respond to COVID-19 in Washington...
Read more...A bunch of tech investors and CEOs are criticizing the COVID bailouts because the funds are going to help shareholders (i.e., the 1% who own 50%+ of all equity) at the expense of employees and taxpayers (who will foot the bill).